In March this year a small team of urban mushers became the first "pack" to go coast to coast by dog power. Using a specially designed scooter it took four days for Mishka the Husky and Millie the Collie, accompanied by father and son team Chris and Michael Mimnagh to cross from Fort William to Inverness, a total of 80 miles.
The team were supported by Richard Abley, who served as coach, cook, driver and fundraising co-ordinator. Through Barclays his employer Richard was able to provide matched funding for a significant amount of the sponsorship raised.
Unseasonably warm weather meant the team could only run in the very early morning or late twilight. "We lived like dogs" said Chris "holed up and sleeping during the day, running in the cool mornings or evenings".
Although the dogs enjoyed the trip Chris, who is Aintree's Director of Strategy and a local GP, says they are no plans for further treks."The dogs loved the adventure but I don't think we'll be able to put in the training again to do that kind of event."
All we can say is a huge "THANK YOU" to Chris and his team, for undertaking such an amazing challenge, and for raising funds for Head and Neck Cancer. This year one of our key activities is to fund a three year post-graduate research project looking at why people don't go to their doctor when they first spot symptoms, and investigating better ways to ensure early presentation.
Early detection really can save lives. And it is only through the fundraising efforts of people like Chris, Michael, Richard, Mishka and Millie, that we can raise the funds that make this vital research possible.
At present, Chris believes he has raised approximately £5,000, which is an amazing total in itself. Donations are still coming in, so if you'd like to add your support it's not too late visit Chris's JustGiving site at:
Once again, our sincere congratulations on your coast to coast success - heroic urban mushers all!!