Fear of recurrence

This can be a major problem for some patients. The fear that the cancer is going to come back is felt by all patients but for some it becomes a real source of anxiety and distress. The fear of recurrence does not necessarily deminish with time. If you are fearful about the cancer coming back we would like to talk this over with you and if you want your family / carers. Please tell us when you are on the ward or in out-patients.

It might be helpful for you to see our Emotional Support Therapist.

'The fear of recurrence patient information leaflet was written by Jess Silva Trainee Clinical Psychologist, Jim Anderson Emotional Support Therapist, Dominic Bray Consultant Clinical Psychologist, and Simon Rogers Consultant Surgeon. We also acknowledge the advice of the Head and Neck Patients and Carers Support Group. Aintree University Hospital hold the intellectual property and copyright for the fear of recurrence patient information leaflet on this website'.

If you would like to read our patient support leaflet on fear of recurrence click the preview image below.