In January 1999 Simon was appointed Consultant Maxillofacial Surgeon at the University Hospital Aintree and Honorary Reader, University of Liverpool. He is part of the multidisciplinary head and neck team and specialises in oral and oropharyngeal cancer and microvascular free tissue reconstruction. He has an interest is in health related quality of life (HRQOL) following oral cancer. He was awarded a Hunterian Professorship from the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 2002 for his research into the relationship between function and quality of life following primary surgery for oral and oropharyngeal cancer. He has several ongoing HRQOL studies, has published widely on this topic, and has been invited to speaker at many national and international scientific meeting. In 2003 and again in 2007 he was invited to join the National Cancer Research Network (NCRN) Head and Neck cancer Clinical Studies Group. He has organised several courses, notably anInternational HRQOL workshop hosted at Liverpool, the most recent held in November 2008.
In 2005 he was awarded the BAOMS Surgery Prize (Citation BJOMS 2005; 43:374) and in 2009 gave the BAHNO Nunn Lecture.
Simon was given a Personal Chair from Edge Hill University (EHU) in April 2007. He is involved in the Faculty of Health at EHU as part of the newly founded Evidence-based Practice Research Centre (EPRC). The Unit building is located on the University Hospital Aintree site. The EPRC brings together a number of highly experienced and enthusiastic researchers, building a team of dedicated research and administrative staff with a strong experience in research with track records in delivering high quality projects. We are actively seeking multidisciplinary collaborative partners locally, nationally and internationally. The EPRC is primarly concerned with clinically-based research including investigations into chronic diseases, quality of life, and supportive and palliative care, Health and social care professional education with a particular interest in practice-based investigations, and Health services research incorporating the use of evaluative research methodologies.
Secretary (Gillian): 0151 529 5287